March Update

March Newsletter

Important Dates

March 16th - 20th - March Break!!
March 26th - First Reconciliation Liturgy at the Church
March 29th - First lesson for First Communion prep
March 30th - Earth Hour


In February, we have spent lots of time working on building our addition and subtraction fluency. We will continue working on that before starting our next unit where we will be learning all about time and money.


In Science, we have just started our units on understanding Earth systems. The first graders will be learning about changes that occur daily and seasonally; while the second graders will discover all about air and water in the environment.



In Language, we will be completing a unit on Explanatory writing, where each student will get a chance to write a paragraph sharing information about a topic of interest to them. Once this unit is completed, we will begin learning about narrative writing and creating a piece of writing to share about a out own lives.


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